Monday, 7 November 2011

Plants Vs. Zombies

OMG SO HAPPY!!! I finished plants vs. Zombie like 5 minutes ago, and cant help but laugh when I saw this...

The Zombies have put together a music video, thanks to Laura Shigihara for putting this together and I think does the voice for Miss Sunflower on stage here. I was Amazed as i finished the boss level in one go on my first time ever!!


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Cozzie Change Dress up

Here are some Costumes for CC games within the hotel. Including Lady Gaga, Avatar, Smurfs, Aliens, Julia Gillard ( *vomit* ) and the Simpsons. There will always be more coming.
 Blossom - Power Puff Girl
 Bubbles - Power Puff Girl
 Buttercup - Power Puff Girl
 Mickey Mouse, you can get alot off variations on this
  Mini Mouse, you can get alot off variations on this
 Papa Smurf
 Normal Smurf
Alien thing - Boy
Alien thing - Girl
 Ghost Bride
 Ghost Groom
 Jake Sully - Avatar
Neytiri - Avatar
 Julia Gillard - Australiain Prime minister
 Old man
 Bruno Mars
 Lady Gaga - Blue dress
  Lady Gaga - 'Nude'
  Lady Gaga Red hood dress thing
  Lady Gaga - 'whipped into submission' (Black leather)
  Lady Gaga - Covered in white powder and dressed in lingerie.
 Bart Simpson - The Simpsons
 Homer Simpsons - The Simpsons
 Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons
 Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons
 Marge Simpson - The Simpsons
 Clothes I have/Beach

If you have any themes that are hard, I can figugure out some costumes. Thanks!!


Monday, 26 September 2011

Athletics FTW

So, soon I'm off to my athletics carnival, for High Jump and 1500 metres, great. It's funny I won High Jump because I am one of the shortest girls in my year. Like, 2nd or 3rd shortest. I came 3rd in Javelin and 5th I think in Triple Jump and Long Jump. I love running and sport. Not so much football, but cricket is fun. I am the worst swimmer; I come last in every event. Little Athletics is coming back soon.  I hope i can see my friends again. Advice for personal best ribbons, don't try your absolute hardest in the first week, and then BOOM like 6 PBs next week. 
