Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Cozzie Change Dress up

Here are some Costumes for CC games within the hotel. Including Lady Gaga, Avatar, Smurfs, Aliens, Julia Gillard ( *vomit* ) and the Simpsons. There will always be more coming.
 Blossom - Power Puff Girl
 Bubbles - Power Puff Girl
 Buttercup - Power Puff Girl
 Mickey Mouse, you can get alot off variations on this
  Mini Mouse, you can get alot off variations on this
 Papa Smurf
 Normal Smurf
Alien thing - Boy
Alien thing - Girl
 Ghost Bride
 Ghost Groom
 Jake Sully - Avatar
Neytiri - Avatar
 Julia Gillard - Australiain Prime minister
 Old man
 Bruno Mars
 Lady Gaga - Blue dress
  Lady Gaga - 'Nude'
  Lady Gaga Red hood dress thing
  Lady Gaga - 'whipped into submission' (Black leather)
  Lady Gaga - Covered in white powder and dressed in lingerie.
 Bart Simpson - The Simpsons
 Homer Simpsons - The Simpsons
 Lisa Simpson - The Simpsons
 Maggie Simpson - The Simpsons
 Marge Simpson - The Simpsons
 Clothes I have/Beach

If you have any themes that are hard, I can figugure out some costumes. Thanks!!
